Of all the places I go to play on the internet, The Bloom Forum is hands-down one of my favorites.

From mindless chit-chat, to learning some photography basics, to business discussions, to blow-your-mind inspiration to be the best artist you can be, it’s all there.   I’ve taken amazing workshops from some incredible Photographers (freaking Ryan Muirhead, Becky Earl, Deb Schwedhelm, Leah Zawadzki).  I’ve made some new Photographer friends, and I’ve even discovered a new brand of favorite flip-flops.

Such a broad specturm of tutorials and inspiration.  And honestly, that’s why I love it.  Some days, I just want to socialize.  Some days, I want to dive in and LEARN (usually about film, these days).  Some days I just want to be inspired by the art of it all.  Some days, I want to share some of my own work or ideas.

If you’re a photographer -at any level- I would highly recommend that you join The Bloom Forum. So much to offer, it’s incredible. Use this link so I’ll get a high-five for sending you. And then come say hello in the forum!

The Bloom Forum