my boys | around the house


I’d been wanting to get some shots of my Max rolling around on the white sheets in his diaper.  Hopefully before he starts to lose his baby-like appearance too much.  We get some great light in our bedroom in the afternoons, so one sunny Saturday after naptime, we plopped him on our bed and I fired off a few shots while Steven kept him laughing.  After a few minutes, Leo woke up from nap and wanted to join in the fun.  Perfect!

The shot of Max rolling on his back laughing, with his legs in the air is exactly what my vision was for this, before I ever picked up the camera that day.  Everything else is just icing.
max baby in a diaper on white sheets copymax on the bed copymax laughing and playing on the bed copycloseup of max on the bed copyleo and max on the white sheets february plano copyleo and max playing on the bed feb 2012 copybrother kiss in black and white copyleo in plano child white sheet session copyleo laughing on the bed copyleos hands on white sheets copy

I love these images, because they really articulate how I see my sons at this age.

For documentation: these were taken on Feb 11, 2012.  Max was a day shy of 15 months old. Leo was two months shy of his 4th birthday.