hello | personal images


Hi. Remember me? I used to blog here? And then I  slowly disappeared?  Sorry ’bout that.  Guess I have some catching up to do, yeah?  OK….

So just today I just got a handful of images (film scans) from our visit to Oma and Opa’s place last Thanksgiving. And since I’m also wanting to share a bit more about my personal world, this seems like a good place to start…. Our boys. Playing with sticks and hunting for bugs out in the country. Their imaginations come to life out there.

zoe dennis photos fuji 400h personal images 35mmzoe dennis photography fuji 400h personal images 35mmzoe dennis fuji 400h personal images 35mmzoe dennis photos fuji 400h desaturated personal images 35mmzoe dennis personal photography fuji 400h personal images 35mm